Exhibit at the Uppland Museum
An exhibit about Eric Sahlström's life and work will open at the Upppland Museum on Saturday, August 25 at 11.00 a.m.
• Håkan Liby, the director of the Uppland Museum will welcome the guests
• The exhibition will be opened by Christina Mattsson from Nordiska Museet in Stockholm
• The Sahlström family will play music
• Refreshments will be served

Eric Sahlström, a watercolour painted by Margareta Nordqvist, 1986
Additionally, visitors will have the opportunity to listen to a concert recording of Eric Sahlström. In the recording, Eric plays many of his fine compositions including Spelmansglädje and Trollrikepolska. A film with Eric Sahlström will also be shown.
View the exhibit at the Uppland Museum between August 25, 2012 and February 3, 2013. To compliment the exhibit, a series of activities related to Eric Sahlström and nyckelharpa music are planned including concerts, song and dance workshops for children, introductory playing workshops for youth and adults, as well as seminars.
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday, 12–17
S:t Eriks torg 10, Uppsala, tel no: +46 (0)18-16 91 01